DC Voltage Reducer For use when installing 12V DC devices where onboard power suppliers are 24 to 32 VDC.May be used for any device requiring 12V DC with .50 Amps or...
Gasoline & Propane Sensor OnlyThis sensor is a replacement for Fireboy-Xintex P systems. Installation: The sensor should be located by the propane-powered appliance, near the floor Avoid areas where damage may...
Conversion Plate for CO Detectors - White Optional conversion plate for mounting CMD6-M Carbon Monoxide Alarms in places where larger CMD2-M, CMD3-M, CMD4-M or CMD5-M units were previously installed. This cover...
System Ready Panel Warning Light The green warning L.E.D. provides constant monitoring of the fire suppression system when the ignition switch is On. Complies with U.S. Coast Guard requirements for system...
Manual Discharge Cable Kit - 14'Designed for manual activation of the MA and GA Series of fire suppression systems. The manual discharge cable kit is a backup for those who...
CO Alarm Relay Control ModuleThe RCM5 is a Relay Control Module. It allows you to automatically deactivate devices based on the status of the connected Xintex detection device. The RCM5...
Manual Discharge Cable Kit - 10'Designed for manual activation of the MA and GA Series of fire suppression systems. The manual discharge cable kit is a backup for those who...